Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What You Should Know About Application Performance management

This is from RealTime Nexus - The Digital Library for IT Professionals. Do your own search - I will not spoil my page with a link to it! Let me opine on the salient points:
  • Makes a distinction for APMonitoring (APM == Monitoring) and somehow reserves the assignment of thresholds to Health Monitoring, as different from Performance Monitoring, even suggesting "AHM", as a new acronym... but then realizing that APM is already well accepted. I think it would be more accurate to acknowledge that APM tools don't do the "Health Monitoring" - OOTB, but I would submit that APM processes would address this - especially as I already use a "HealthCheck" process as part of the APManagement best practices.
  • Asserts that "end-user performance" is the primary metric for APM and acknowledges that the "other metric may be involved... to provide troubleshooting details. " This is too much of a plug for a specific vendor solution. Sure end-user experience is what performance management is all about but it is a little naive to assert that it is the main focus. There is a huge benefit in using APM across the application lifecycle, and especially before the end-user experience can even be measured (development, testing). Not to mention the significant number of applications that do not have even have a user front-end to measure!
To preserve vendor neutrality, I instead prefer to focus on the "business transaction" - the end-2-end flow across all participating components. This puts the end-user piece in the proper perspective: simple apps are predominately end-user-centric, enterprise apps.. are not.

In assessing the utility of an APM initiative, the focus is always on the high-value transactions - end-user-related or not. Then when you know what really matters, you select the appropriate technology. That way, you do end up trying to use end-user monitoring on a CICS transaction, nor using byte-code instrumentation to monitor a print server. ;-)

  • How does APM work -- I was nestling in for a good read here - but was disappointed. Regarding the types of information that an APM tool can take advantage, the author describes the following:

"Application-level resource monitors, if any exist. These have to be specifically created and exposed by the application author."

I guess they never heard of BCI (Byte Code Instrumentation) - which does this automatically. And have impuned JMX and PMI technologies - which do the right job for configuration information of the application server - which is what I'm hoping the author really meant. JMX and PMI require the developer to code for their use. Always was and always will - and an expensive proposition at development. But BCI automatically determines what is interesting to monitor, much more effectively that JMX or PMI - and at runtime (aka - late-binding). But if the data is already there - we take direct advantage of it.
  • Downsides of APM -- This is annoying because it is a grain of truth buried in a FoxNews-spun positioning. Sure, packaged apps are hard to monitor but this is because they are closed and usually provide their own monitoring tools. They may not be best of breed - but it's a start. Ratified packaged vendors will actually embeed APM technologies within their offerings, and some require a vendor-specific extension - for sure, the industry is lagging a bit here - and that's always a problem with proprietary solutions. It is not an APM problem.
Then the author raises some FUD about virtualized environments... Does he know that an LPAR is a thirty year old virtualized environment? That running in a container, and making accurate performance measurements is old news? Methinks the vendor he is shilling for cares not for mainframe. or BCI, or managing the lifecycle. Or he is some sort of APM Luddite that hasn't looked around much since 2002.
  • Application Service Management (ASM) -- this is the point that set me off and motivated me to opine this detailed review. The author creates a new acronym - cool. I do it all the time. No crime here. But "ASM takes a more business-oriented view." - yikes! ASM focuses on the operating system and platform metrics... I though that's NOT the business view. And then the author acknowledges that the APM/ASM differences are "semantic" - and you should never get caught up in that. Frankly, this is the same tact that creationists take when they assert that "... evolution is a theory that is still being considered...". Dude!!!
And now a link to two more parts... I am a sucker for pain! ;-)

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