Sunday, July 3, 2011

Book tour begins

We decided to jam in a launch of the book tour {clients and workshops} before the full European holidays take effect.  I am in Stockholm the last few days, which is nice... but my laptop crashed (fan failure) and I'm on a borrowed laptop, with a Swedish keyboard... and I am getting stressed.  I have a deadline for a cloud article (mostly done) so I decided to goof off and update the blog.  I will be in Denmark tomorrow Monday night and London on Wednesday night.  Meetings so far are good but my 'spidy sense' is tingling.  Might be jet lag... or an epiphany!  I'll get some more data (visits) and digest.

An Interview on Application Performance Management with CA Technologies

Business Management Systems June 2011

A couple typos snuck through... no worries.

They do not track comments on the article... so feel free to opine here. 

APM best practices: A conversation with author Michael J. Sydor

Appearing in  6 May 2011 Registration required {free}

Part 1  Introductory discussion
Part 2  Discussing staffing issues
Part 3  Discussing implementation

If you have not got the book yet... this gives you some flavor of the discussion...

They do not track comments on the article, so feel free to opine here!